Magpie News – Summer 2023

The header of the Summer 2023 edition of Magpie News featuring a magpie in flight, the Vision Norfolk logo and the text "Magpie News - Summer 2023, Welcome to this new edition of Magpie News. We hope you will enjoy reading all about our recent and upcoming activities and events".

The summer 2023 edition of Magpie News has been published, featuring a round-up of our events and activities around the county as well as some of the latest equipment and Vision Norfolk news.

Magpie News – March 2023

The header of the March edition of Magpie News featuring a magpie in flight, the Vision Norfolk logo and the text "Magpie News - March 2023, Welcome to this new edition of Magpie News. We hope you will enjoy reading all about our recent and upcoming activities and events".

The Spring edition of Magpie News has been published, featuring a round-up of our events and activities around the county as well as some of the latest equipment and Vision Norfolk news.

Celebrating World Braille Day

Two hands reading a braille book

Braille has become an important tool to increase accessibility for everything from signs in public spaces to birthday cards. It is used in nearly every country in the world, and there is a Braille code for almost every language.