Cuppa Care Project

The Rotary Club of Norwich is working in partnership with Hear for Norfolk, Vision Norfolk, Age UK Norwich, Norfolk LGBT+ Project, Norfolk CAB, Norfolk & Waveney Mind and Age UK Norfolk on the Cuppa Care Project.

Visually-impaired youngsters take to the wheel

The 12 youngsters from Vision Norfolk who enjoyed the Young Driver experience

Twelve visually-impaired youngsters had the chance to take to the wheel and drive at real-world road speeds as part of Norfolk’s sight loss charity’s programme of activities for young people and their families.

Vision Norfolk Newsletter

Terry Holding A Golf Club

The newsletter provides an update from our various departments over the last few months and details of whats in-store for Vision Norfolk.

We want to reinforce that we are still here and providing our services, albeit in a different way to usual.

NNAB Annual General Meeting – 19 November

Unfortunately, it is not possible to hold our 2020 AGM in the usual way. The Board of Management (Trustees) has carefully considered the most appropriate arrangements for this year’s AGM in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the evolving public health advice and legal restrictions imposed by the second lockdown.