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As a trust, foundation or corporate donor, you can be part of our work to support people living with sight loss to enjoy independent and fulfilled lives. Whether you are looking for a local charity to support in Norfolk, want to lend your voice to a campaign or to help us raise awareness of living with sight loss in a sighted world, we need you.

Call 01603 573000 or email [email protected]

Charity O2 Building Climb

Coltishall’s Just Financial Planning ‘superhero’ team joined three Norfolk people with sight loss in climbing London’s O2 and raised almost £3,000. Karen, who has vision impairment, undertook the climb and enjoyed the challenge. “It was a really good experience and climbing the dome was a real challenge. The walkway is suspended, so it’s like walking on a trampoline. I suspect it was more scary for those who could look down and see how far the ground was.”