National Charities
Below is a list of some national charities that provide support and information for people with sight loss or related concerns. If there are other organisations that you believe others may find useful please send the information to [email protected]
Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)
RNIB a national charity in the UK for people with sight loss. Their website contains a large selection of information about eye conditions, adaptive technology and other things that could be useful. They are also able to provide a variety of services and advice for people living with sight loss.
Phone: 0303 123 9999
Email: [email protected]
East of England Facebook Group:
Guide Dogs UK
Guide Dogs is a nation charity that supports people with sight loss with information, advice and services relating to guide dogs and beyond.
Phone: 0800 781 1444
Email: [email protected]
The Macular Society
The Macular Society is a charity that aims to beat Macular Disease by providing advice and support, and by funding research looking for a cure.
Phone: 0300 3030 111
Email: [email protected]
Glaucoma UK
Glaucoma UK is a charity that provides support and information to people living with Glaucoma in the UK.
Phone: 1233 648170
Email: [email protected]
Blind Veterans UK
Blind Veterans UK helps vision-impaired ex-Servicemen and women to rebuild their lives after sight loss by providing rehabilitation, training, practical advice and emotional support.
Phone: 0300 111 22 33
Email: [email protected]